Résumé de section
The C1 Short term joint staff training PEACE SITE Project took place in Athens, Greece, during 28-30 May, 2018.
There were presenting the topics of training developped by each partner for PEACE Site Project for face-to face training and e-learning training.
The presentation of each session respected the same structure: topic presentation (objectives, activities); demonstration of a session using one or more interactive methods (case studies, role plays, brainstomring, small group work, video presentation, etc.)
After each session took place a short debriefing with feedback and conclusions, in order to establish the strategy of further development of materials.
The sessions presentations were the following:
- Parent-child communication skills for different age stages; LATVIA
- Sexual development of children and teenagers and messages related to child sexuality at different age stages; CYPRUS
- The importance of child self-esteem in adopting a safe behavior; UNISTRAPG ITALY
- Parent awareness in forming the child values, myths and prejudices concerning relationship; GREECE
- Respecting children rights, especially the right of participation in parent-child communication; AEPRO
- Prevention of unwanted pregnancy and sexual transmission infections – the outcome of a high risk sexual behaviour; ROMTENS Romania
- Prenatal education adapted to children and teenagers understanding. EPI BELGIUM
- A general feedback took place after finishing the presentation and the way the sessions will fit in e-learning courses – demo on PEACE SITE platform.
Two more topics were proposed: Emotional development of children and teenagers and Parents and educators strategies to manage media/internet influence on children to be developed by the partners.
A final evaluation form of C1 was provided to all the partners according to the Kirkpatrick Model (four levels of training evaluation).
MOVIE 1 Fichier MP474.7 Mo
MOVIE 2 Fichier MP483.8 Mo