Section outline
Erasmus+ Programme – Strategic Partnership
Project Nr: 2017-1-RO01-KA204-037448
Event host organization: Latvijas Perinatalas Attistibas Biedriba
Date and Place: 21-22 June 2019 Riga, Latvia
The Fourth Transational Meeting PEACE SITE Project
Friday 21 June 2019
9.00-9.30 Opening session for the fourth transnational meeting; presentations and expectations, objectives and agenda presentation
9.30-11.00 The progress of project activities – and Intellectual Outputs IO4, IO5 IO6- large group discussion with all the partners
11.00 – 11.30 Pause
11.30 - 13.00 C2 Blended Mobility Adult learning Evaluation Results Theodor Hărătău Romtens
13.00-14.30 Lunch
14.30-16.00 Multiplication Events E1-E6 Evaluation results Theodor Hărătău Romtens
16.00-16.15 Tea/Coffee break
16.15-17.15 Further dissemination plans and strategies for PEACE SITE Project results
17.15-17.30 Conclusions of the day and plan for the following day of the meeting
Saturday 20 October 2018
9.00-10.30 Budgetary execution for partners activities, tying up loose ends; timesheets; financial final report information for PEACE SITE project
10.30-11.00 Tea/coffee break
11.00-12.30 Important Criteria Assessment for Final report; documents and information needed from partners
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-15.00 Important Criteria Assessment for Final report; documents and information needed from partners. Further communication until the end of the PEACE SITE Project and beyond
15.00-15.15 Coffee/tea break
15.15-16.00 Partners Satisfaction Questionnaires Documents exchange; Questions and answers, certificates
16.00-16.15 Closure of the 4-th transnational meeting